Mercy Sundays: Refugee Resettlement & Co-Cathedral Hospitality

 We continue to explore what the Eucharistic Revival looks like here at the Co-Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist, during Lent, to pray, reflect, and act on how we live out “being sent” from the Eucharist to be and reveal Christ to others. 

Mercy Sundays are opportunities for St. John’s to highlight social ministries in which we already participate and invite you to be involved as bearers of Christ, the “good news”. 

We at the Co-Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist express ourselves as “A Welcoming Catholic community” through greeting in time and space, through the corporal works of mercy, hospitality, and relationships of caring. From the Eucharist we come, enlivened by the Spirit, upholding life and life choices. 

“Jesus was a refugee; Mary and Joseph had to flee to save his life.” -Pope Francis 

Refugees come to this country with only the bags they can carry. Catholic Charities of Southern MN “Refugee Resettlement” is carrying out the mission of “welcoming the stranger.” Last year, Catholic Charities helped 44 families (200 people) settle into housing in the Rochester area, and provided each family with the basic furniture and household goods that are on our lists. More families are expected this year. Together we are showing compassion and providing care for refugees designated to resettle in our local Southeastern communities. The following are wish lists which allow us to honor our Lenten journey through Almsgiving.  



Co-Cathedral Ministries—The Spiritual Works of Mercy are embodied by us in many ways. At the Co-Cathedral of St. Johns, hospitality is a way that serves across so many boundaries. As the face of welcome at many of our liturgies and events, we are inviting others to experience Christ, who is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. We follow Christ with the witness of our life so that others may see God's love revealed in our actions, the actions of authentically welcoming. Those whom we meet may be new to worship, returning, visiting, or fellow parishioners and you are there to welcome their presence. While the ministry details are very important and carried out with care, the invitation and greeting are graced moments empowered by the Spirit with a deeper significance. You are invited to consider Hospitality Ministry as a participating member of our “welcoming Catholic community”.  

Community carries forth from the Eucharistic celebration into our Fellowship Area on specific Community Sundays”. We offer hospitality and ways of connecting with one another after the 9:30am Mass. You are invited to consider serving as “hosts” for our refreshments. Invite and partner with another family or friends in this community bonding opportunity. Contact the Parish Center to respond to either of these invitations. 

ADVOCACY—The Equal Rights Amendment, more appropriately called the “Erosion of Rights Amendment,” would diminish the hard-earned rights and protections of women and could eliminate conscience rights and religious liberty of all Minnesotans. (MNCatholicConference) Equal Rights Amendment - Minnesota Catholic Conference (   


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