Opportunities to Spark your 2024 Lenten Journey

What are you doing for Lent this year?

It’s a tired question. Maybe your kid asked you over dinner, or a friend in passing shared their game-plan for the most organized Lent ever. Maybe you just don’t have an answer yet. That’s why we’ve collected all the upcoming ways you can pray, fast, and give alms this Lent at the Co-Cathedral. But your Lenten journey isn’t just about checking the yearly box or making the priest happy. Your journey is about seeking God and inviting Jesus’ presence into your everyday life. Scroll through the options below and spark your Lent today.

Prayer quote by Mother Teresa of Calcutta


For Everyone:

For Adults:

Personal Reflection (Books are available at the Parish until gone):

  • Lent Reflection Book - Not by Bread Alone

  • The Ascension Lenten Companion: Walking with Jesus to Jerusalem by Fr. Mark Toups: Join our email group for weekly videos. Accompanying books are available for a suggested donation of $10

  • Lent 2024: it’s time to refresh. 

    In a world filled with personal and structural sin that allows injustice to grow, we are invited to refresh our souls and our imaginations to make space for the Spirit to work through us...During the Lenten season, Psalm 23 reminds us of God’s intent that we find times of refreshing: Beside restful waters he leads me; he refreshes my soul. St. Ignatius of Loyola refers to these times of refreshing as consolations: a deep-seated sense of God’s presence leading to spiritual growth. 

    How are we being refreshed and consoled in our lives, in our Church, and in our work for justice?

    Throughout Lent, writers from the Ignatian network will guide us in a season of refreshing. Join us each day to be replenished, reinvigorated, and refreshed.

    Lent 2024: Refresh - Ignatian Solidarity Network

Group Opportunities:

For Kids:


Lent is a fitting time for self-denial; we would do well to ask ourselves what we can give up in order to help and enrich others by our own poverty. Let us not forget that real poverty hurts: no self-denial is real without this dimension of penance. I distrust a charity that costs nothing and does not hurt.
— Pope Francis



A Journey of Faith


Restless for God